We are excited to be sharing this journey with you as DICTA moves online for the very first time. COVID-19 has thrown many challenges at us all and has taught us to be adaptable and learn new ways of doing things in a very short space of time!

We hope to be able to answer all of your questions, however, we know that we may not have thought of everything, so please bear with us as we navigate our way through this journey together. We will continue to share information via email and update the following Q&A as information is finalised.

The Event team thank you in advance for reading this page carefully and contacting us with any further questions.

How it looks online for DELEGATES

Online Event

Online or ‘virtual’ conferences make it simple to meet, communicate, learn, and connect when some people are unable to come together physically at an event.

Featuring an online component where the conference content is broadcast allows people to participate from anywhere in the world – in fact, it is likely that you will have the chance to engage with an entirely new global audience of industry colleagues.

Online conferences allow professional development and education to be delivered ‘remotely’, and provide an important opportunity to share and engage with industry colleagues and providers, in a convenient environment.

As an added bonus – there are no travel and accommodation expenses when accessing the conference remotely, meaning the carbon footprint is reduced!

Please click play on the video below to view an introduction to the system, through which, you will participate in the conference.

You will be provided with a unique log-in to access presentations and networking online, from the convenience of your office or home.

Online or ‘virtual’ events can feature a range of presentation session formats and networking options. These may include keynote presentations, award presentations, breakout sessions, express oral presentations, and workshops. Typically there will also be LIVE moderated ‘question and answer’ sessions (Q&A).

Some conference sessions will be LIVE and you need to view these presentations at the time they are being broadcast. Other presentations may be pre-recorded for viewing either at the scheduled time or at your leisure over a prescribed period of time. Most conferences will feature a combination of these options.

Time will be allocated for networking online with other delegates and to explore the exhibition and engage directly with industry suppliers.

No, there will be a fee to gain access to and participate in the online conference.

While some costs associated with a physical event are removed when a conference is held online, new costs are incurred for the resources and technology required to produce a streamlined and professional online event.

Registering to participate in an online event:

    • Removes the significant barrier of travel and accommodation expenses while also reducing the carbon footprint and helping the environment.
    • Allows participation remotely, from the convenience of a home or office environment.
    • Pre-recorded and online content means participants benefit from the event without being absent from work.
    • Recorded sessions are accessible after the broadcast program which enhances the exchange of knowledge and author/audience interaction after the conference.


If you intend to experience and engage in the DICTA Online platform from your work computer/laptop please ensure that your workplace firewall does not block access to the sessions and networking functions. You should check access with your IT department as early as possible as it may take a few days or weeks for your request to be processed.

Below is a list of all the streaming platforms that will be used during the online conference. Your IT department will need to whitelist these programs to enable you to access the online events.

  • Twilio
  • Vonage
  • Vimeo
  • Zoom
  • AirCast
    • livefeed.aircastcdn.com
    • studio.aircastcdn.com
    • hls.aircastcdn.com
    • live.aircastcdn.com

For an optimal experience please access the OnAIR portal on a PC or laptop and use Google Chrome.

The OnAir platform works best when using Google Chrome as your browser.

Click the below image to install Chrome.

Networking sessions use Twilio. If you are accessing the online portal via a work computer/network, visit https://networktest.twilio.com/ to test if your network allows you to access this program.

Zoom makes privacy and security a top priority for all its users. Please click the link here to read more about Zoom privacy and security.


You will not need to download specific software to participate in the event. You will be provided with a web-link prior to the commencement of the event to our online conference system called OnAIR.


  • Works most effectively when using the Google Chrome internet browser.
  • Works most effectively on PC, laptop and notebook.
  • Integrates with Zoom which is fully embedded in a personal and secured environment.
  • Provides full online support before and during the event for attendees, speakers, session chairs and exhibitors.

The Meeting Hub is a feature of the online system which allows you to engage in real-time discussions with other attendees and exchange contact details.

Users can communicate via direct message, live chat, video call, arrange set meetings, and export the contacts they have gathered, at any point throughout the event.

When using Meeting Hub delegates search for attendees, request meetings, and once accepted, engage in video conversations.

Sponsor and exhibitor representatives are also permitted to access the Meeting Hub.


A registration link will be sent to you by email prior to the event. Please check your junk folder if you do not receive the access email.

If you do not receive the email at least 5-days from the event, please contact to have it re-sent to you.

Your level of access to DICTA Online will be determined by your registration type. Most registrations will include the following:

  • Live &/or pre-recorded keynote presentations and concurrent sessions – including live Question & Answer (Q&A) where you can type or ask your questions and have them addressed during the session.
  • Access to watch pre-recorded sessions and ePoster presentations, at your leisure for a period of time.
  • Participate in live interactive networking functions.
  • Pre-arranged meetings with delegates and presenters through the Meeting Hub.
  • Access to a suite of features and tools such as: live Q&A, event notes, contact exchange and downloadable content.

Click here to view registration types and inclusions.

No. All payments need to be received to Conference Design before the online portal link will be sent to you. Full payment of your registration fee is due within 14 days of submitting your registration for the event.

Please refer to the key dates on the DICTA homepage for key milestones and deadlines, or contact us at Conference Design if you have more questions –


During sessions, there is a Question & Answer (Q&A) function where you are able to ask presenters questions by typing in the text field.

At the end of each day there will be live paper discussion sessions, where delegates can engage in conversation with presenters.

You will have the option to contact the presenter/s through the ‘Meeting Hub’ – which is like an online meeting room – with further questions.

Please refer to the DICTA home page to find out more about conference dates and program information.

The committee considers all Australasian time zones and those of other regions where delegates will be based when creating the program. To check your timezone please click here.

DICTA Online will feature a combination of pre-recorded and live presentations. Please refer to the conference program for more information.

Please get in touch if you would like to know more about this element of your conference –

Yes, DICTA Online will feature an ePoster gallery. You will be able to connect with the ePoster presenters via the Meeting Hub during the event.

Networking functions will be featured as part of DICTA Online. These will be conducted in ‘real-time’ for conversation, brainstorming and networking.

Presenting at DICTA Online

Speakers will be sent information on the lead up to the event about the specifics of their presentation.  The detail of this will be determined by the presentation type, whether the session is pre-recorded or live-streamed, and several other factors.

Please contact the Conference Design team at with any questions.

Please visit the Presenter Toolkit for more information on pre-recorded presentations.

Please visit the Presenter Toolkit for more information on live poster presentations.

If you have submitted a paper and wish to withdraw your submission, please contact immediately.

For further information and some presenter tips and tricks CLICK HERE

Technical Support

The OnAir platform works best on Chrome. It is recommended for optimal use of the platform to access the OnAIR portal on a PC and in Google Chrome.

Click the below image to install Chrome.

This will refresh the portal data and can fix many issues such as:

  • Profile picture not updating
  • Sessions not working or showing an incorrect video
  • Changes made to the timeline that aren’t displaying for the attendee
  • Audio/video issues.

This is generally one of the first steps you should follow if you are experiencing technical difficulties.

Click the below image to enlarge.

Open the page inspector in your browser.

This can be done by:

  • Right-clicking on the page and selecting inspect
  • Pressing F12
  • Pressing Ctrl + Shift + I

A window will open in your browser.

Right-click on the refresh button, found to the left of the URL bar, and select Empty Cache and Hard Reload.

Click the below image to enlarge.

To check these settings have been allowed:

  • Right-click on the padlock icon in the URL bar.
  • Make sure the Microphone and Camera are both set to allow.
  • Changing these will block your browser from using these devices.
  • Clicking on Site Permissions bring you to the full Site Permissions page for the Chrome browser.

Click the below images to enlarge.

Click on the lock icon in the URL bar and then click cookies.

Then in the blocked section allow cookies relating to the OnAIR portal to allow the session to run.

Click the below images to enlarge.

To check this:

  • Right click on the speaker icon (lower right corner).
  • Select open volume mixer.

If there is a dropdown arrow on the device option, it means their computer is using multiple audio devices and the sound might be going through a different device.





To disable the other devices right click on the speaker icon again and select open sound settings. In the sound settings select manage sound devices.

Select any device not in use and disable them. Then, close the portal and then re-open it.

Click images to enlarge.

Click images to enlarge.

To check what extensions are currently running in Google Chrome:

  • Select the icon in the top right that looks like three vertical dots.
  • Select More Tools.
  • Select Extensions.








In this window, you can check which apps and extensions are currently running in an attendee’s browser.
Certain apps and extensions can block the OnAIR portal and cause issues with video/audio/connecting to sessions (such as ad blockers, pop up blockers, etc.).
Extensions and apps can be turned off by selecting the blue slider icon in the bottom right corner of each app/extension.





For your best online experience, we recommend ensuring you have a stable internet connection with a speed of 2 Mbps upload, 4 Mbps download or better. You can test your Internet connection speed at SpeedTest.net.

What if I have a question that was not answered here?

Please contact and one of our team members will be happy to assist you.