Poster Presentations

Poster presentations will be available via the online conference portal throughout the conference in the Accepted Paper Gallery.

Poster presentations are also included in the live paper discussion sessions held at the end of each day.

Refer to the online program for session details.

Presenting a Poster? Click here for more information and guidelines.

Paper Title Presenter/s
Evolutionary Attention Network for Medical Image Segmentation Tahereh Hassanzadeh
HCI for Elderly, Measuring Visual Complexity of Webpages Based on Machine Learning Elaheh Homayounvala
Visualizing and Understanding Inherent Image Features in CNN-based Glaucoma Detection SAJIB K SAHA
Synthetic Data for the Analysis of Archival Documents: Handwriting Determination Christian Bartz
Vis-CRF: A Simplified Filtering Model for Vision Nasim Nematzadeh
Evaluation of U-Net CNN Approaches for Human Neck MRI Segmentation ABDULLA AL SUMAN
Base-Package Recommendation Framework Based on Consumer Behaviours in IPTV Platform Kuruparan Shanmugalingam
Multitask Learning for Video-based Surgical Skill Assessment Zhiteng Jian
Dynamic Decision Boundary for One-class Classifiers applied to non-uniformly Sampled Data Riccardo La Grassa
Pseudo Supervised Solar Panel Mapping based on Deep Convolutional Networks with Label Correction Strategy in Aerial Images Xiuping Jia
Fruit Detection in the Wild: The Impact of Varying Conditions and Cultivar Michael Halstead
Density-Based Vehicle Counting with Unsupervised Scale Selection Jakub _pa_hel
PS8-Net: A Deep Convolutional Neural Network to Predict the Eight-State Protein Secondary Structure Md Aminur Rab Ratul
Moving object detection for humanoid navigation in cluttered dynamic indoor environments using a confidence tracking approach Prabin Kumar Rath
UNET-Based Multi-Task Architecture for Brain Lesion Segmentation Ava Assadi Abolvardi
Recurrent Motion Neural Network for Low Resolution Drone Detection Hamish C Pratt
Using Environmental Context to Synthesis Missing Pixels Alan  Woodley
FANet: Feature Aggregation Network for Semantic Segmentation Aneesh Krishna
Temporal 3D RetinaNet for fish detection Zhou Shen
Secure Fingerprint Authentication with Homomorphic Encryption Wencheng Yang
Recent Data Augmentation Strategies for Deep Learning in Plant Phenotyping and Their Significance Douglas PS Gomes
A Novel Signature Watermarking Scheme for Identity Protection sunpreet sharma
PlaneCalib: Automatic Camera Calibration by Multiple Observations of Rigid Objects on Plane Vojt_ch Bartl
Learning Affordance Segmentation: An Investigative Study Chau Nguyen Duc Minh
An improved method for pylon extraction and vegetation encroachment analysis in high voltage transmission lines using LiDAR data Nosheen Munir
Generalised Zero-shot Learning with Multi-modal Embedding Spaces RAFAEL FELIX
Object based remote sensing using Sentinel data Alan  Woodley
Automatic Assessment of Open Street Maps Database Quality using Aerial Imagery Boris Repasky
A 3D-2D Registration Method for Stereo Scan Overlay on Structure from Motion Model Deepak Rajamohan
Automated Pneumoconiosis Detection on Chest X-Rays Using Cascaded Learning with Real and Synthetic Radiographs Dadong Wang
SL3D – Single Look 3D Object Detection based on RGB-D Images Gopi Krishna Erabati
Pixel-RRT*: A Novel Skeleton Trajectory Search Algorithm for Hepatic Vessels Jianfeng Zhang
One-Shot learning based classification for segregation of plastic waste Shivaank Agarwal
Miss Yoga: A Yoga Assistant Mobile Application Based on Keypoint Detection Renhao Huang
Automated Computational Diagnosis of Peripheral Retinal Pathology in Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Scans using Graph Theory Tyra Lange
An Improved Discriminator for GAN-Based Trajectory Prediction Models Yang Song
CNN to Capsule Network Transformation Takumi Sato
Strawberry Detection using Mixed Training on Simulated and Real Data Akansel Cosgun
A Survey on Training Free 3D Texture-less Object Recognition Techniques Piyush Joshi
Furrow Mapping of Sugarcane Billet Density Using Deep Learning and Object Detection Jordan P Scott
Feature-Extracting Functions for Neural Logic Rule Learning Shashank Gupta
3D Reconstruction and Object Detection for HoloLens Chuong Nguyen
Dual image and mask synthesis with GANs for semantic segmentation in optical coherence tomography  Jason Kugelman, David Alonso-Caneiro, Scott A. Read, Stephen J. Vincent, Fred K. Chen, and Michael J.Collins