Thank you for presenting at DICTA 2020!
We want to ensure your presentation runs smoothly, and have put together guidelines and resources to assist with your preparation and participation.
Should you have any queries regarding the information provided or your participation please contact .
Importantly, we ask all presenters upload their Poster PDF and Video by Friday 13 November.
Ensure your PDF is uploaded no later than 13 NOVEMBER.
Ensure your MP4 is uploaded no later than 13 NOVEMBER.
Posters will be available for viewing throughout the conference in an online Accepted Poster Gallery. Presenters must also provide a 3 minute pre-recorded video about their poster. Live Paper Discussion Sessions will take place at the conference giving the opportunity for poster presenters to interact live with delegates.
Poster presenters are required to provide the following:
- A “graphical poster” in PDF format (Portrait, A0 size). No embedded videos please.
- A pre-recorded spotlight video for your poster: the format of the file must be .mp4 and maximum length of 3 minutes.
- Presenter details including presenting author name, biography and email address.
Accepted Paper Gallery
The Accepted Paper Gallery will be available throughout the entire conference and will feature:
- PDF Poster – High-quality portrait A0 Sized (W = 841mm X H = 1189mm) PDF.
3 minute pre-recorded video
- You can record your video using the software you feel most comfortable with.
- If you have little experience recording videos, we suggest using Microsoft PowerPoint or Zoom.
- Handouts – accompanying documents or images for your poster.
Live Paper Discussion Sessions
During the conference, you have the opportunity to present your poster live. Live Paper Discussion Sessions will run for 60 minutes.
During the Live Paper Discussion Sessions, you will be able to present to a live audience and share your screen to present a set of slides or your display poster.
The Live Paper Discussion Sessions use a queuing system, where you can bring a maximum of 50 audience members into your presentation at any one time.
Audience members have the option to speak directly to you, but only you as the presenter will have video capabilities.
- Live sessions – 60 minutes.
- Discussion forum – per poster.
- Live Q&A via text – per poster.
- Handouts you wish to include – including poster PDF.
Presenters are required to upload their Poster PDF and 3-minute video presentation as a single MP4 file via DropBox by Friday 13 November.
If you have any concerns about your presentation or providing your file to us by the deadline please contact .
Conference Design will email the submitting author requesting the following information.
- Presenting Author Name
- Presenting Author Biography
- Presenting Author Email Address
The presenting authors will be set up with appropriate presenter access to the OnAIR conference portal, with biographies included in the session information tab.
Note only presenting authors will have presenter access in the OnAIR Conference portal. Other authors who may register for the conference will have delegate access.
Presenting authors are required to register under the relevant presenter category and pay the applicable registration fee.
A Poster is a visual medium that you use to communicate a key idea related to your research. It presents that idea in a verbal and graphic way. Unlike an oral presentation, a poster does (most) of your talking – but the great thing about the OnAIR portal is that you too can present and discuss your poster like never before!
Posters will be available for viewing for the duration of the conference in the Accepted Paper Gallery. Posters will also be made available to be viewed prior to the conference and after the conference in the online platform.
There are several advantages to presenting a poster:
- All poster presenters will have the opportunity to participate in Live Paper Discussion sessions. These sessions are built to be a collaborative conversation and presentation similar to a poster presentation at a face to face conference.
- Posters can be viewed at any time. Your Poster will be available for viewing throughout the conference in the dedicated Accepted Paper Gallery. These will be available to be viewed prior to the conference and after the conference through the online platform.
- Viewers can “absorb” the presentation in their own time/way.
- During Live Paper Discussion Sessions, you can discuss your research with the viewers – delegates will request to join your poster presentation and you will be able to manually add in up to 50 delegates to present to.
- You are not limited to how many times you present your poster, as long as it is within the dedicated Live Paper Discussion Session e.g. the Live Paper Discussion Session goes for an hour you can do a 10-minute presentation/discussion/Q&A six times depending how many people are in your queue.
- You have the option to provide handouts.
- You have access to live (text) Q&A.
- You have access to a discussion forum – between yourself, delegates and those waiting in your queue.
- You have access to the ‘networking hub’ to connect with your viewers.
The layout of your Poster is at your discretion, however, brevity and clarity are the essence of a good Poster.
The aim of Posters is to display your project or an idea in a concise form, enabling delegates to grasp the essentials of the subject in a short time frame.
Posters must be in PDF FORMAT – PORTRAIT, A0 SIZE (W = 841mm X H = 1189mm)
A0 (W = 841mm X H = 1189mm) portrait poster in PDF.
Your Poster should be less than 20MB.
It is critical you check your Poster on a computer other than the one you used to create the Poster. This allows you to check graphics and the layout and fonts transfer as you want.
Posters will be uploaded as received. Please ensure you fully proof your Poster before submitting it.
Presenters are required to upload their Poster PDF as a single via DropBox no later than Friday 13 November.
Files to be named: presenter name (First_Last).
Record your 3-minute video using the software you feel most comfortable with.
If you have little experience recording videos, we suggest Zoom or Microsoft PowerPoint.
Recordings need be provided to the Conference Managers in MP4 format. Should your presentation be received in a format other than MP4 you will be asked to resubmit in an MP4 format.
If you have limited online presentation experience or looking for some tips about how to take your online presentation to the next level, we encourage you to take a look at Presenter Toolkit.
Recordings must be provided to Conference Design:
In MP4 format.
As a single file. Multiple files will not be accepted.
Submit via the conference Dropbox link.
Files to be named: presenter name (First_Last).
If making changes, always ensure to upload the latest version. Each upload is stamped with date/time so we will only use the latest version uploaded to the system.
We recommend you log in early (10-15 minutes prior) on the day of your presentation. This will allow you to:
- Familiarise yourself with your equipment and make sure everything is in good working order (ie microphone and camera working, plenty of battery if using a laptop, stable internet connection).
- Familiarise yourself with the Live Q&A feed.
- If you have any issues or queries, you can log a Live Support ticket.
- We strongly recommend you log in and are ready 15 minutes prior to your session commencing.
- Please close unused browsers and programs, hide bookmarks and tabs, turn off your notifications and ensure your microphone and camera are working correctly.
- Approximately 10 minutes prior to your session, we recommend opening your session by selecting the “view my presentation” button. Once the countdown timer indicates the session is “live” you will be able to select the red “START PRESENTATION” button and you will see your webcam activate.
- Take a moment to prepare your screen and slides.
- Now you can add anyone waiting in your “queue” to your session.
- Once you see the attendees drop into the “attendees” section and “meeting hub” you can assume they are connected to your session. It is recommended that you ask viewers to mute their audio until question time at the end.
- You can now conduct your presentation, by proceeding through your slides or talking about your poster PDF with your audience.
- When your presentation has finished, ask attendees to unmute themselves to take any questions.
- Once you have finished your presentation with your first group of people, you can select “remove all” underneath the “attendees” section and then reset your slides.
- From there, you can now bring in the next group of people waiting to enter your presentation in the “queue” section.
- If you do experience any technical difficulties, log a ticket with live support and one of our friendly team will be able to assist you.
- When you are ready to end your presentation entirely, you can select the red “end presentation for all” button and go back to the timeline.
An explainer video is available via the presenter toolkit.
Live support will be available throughout the conference opening hours and will include dedicated IT/AV support.
Should presenters require assistance at the time of the conference they should contact support by:
- Control Room Chat: this chat feed is easily accessible via your presentation in the online conference portal. Queries will be quickly picked up by the support team
- Live Support Hub: live support is immediately accessible via the icon at the top of the online conference portal. Users should log their query in the live support chat box and a team members will respond as quickly as possible.